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Transforming Lives: Full Spectrum Doula Care at Healing Internationale


Empowering Communities through Integrative Health and Education

Mother and Baby

Founded in 2018 by Natalie Peña, Healing Internationale is on a mission to harness technology for the purpose of providing sexual and reproductive health to communities that may be socially or culturally unable to access healing and education. Our practice methods are carefully crafted to assist clients and communities in living healthier, more pleasurable lives, with a strong focus on intergenerational healing and transformative education.


Our interdisciplinary work relies on an integrative health model developed by those who have embraced more than one method of healing. In the Western world, healing and medicine have traditionally been viewed as separate processes. While many individuals working in traditional medicine initially aimed for healing, there are still many communities that may not be socially or culturally able to achieve true healing through a visit to a doctor or practitioner. Our programs are designed for clients who have chosen to live with purpose, alongside their loved ones and new generations of communities on an international scale. That's why, at Healing Internationale, we've chosen to do things differently.


Our dedicated team of coaches, doulas, and providers is here to support you at any stage in life. We are committed to helping you and your family find balance amid the ever-evolving demands of our closest bonds and relationships.


Bienvenidos a la curación

Te hemos estado esperando.


Mi nombre es Natalie Peña y soy la fundadora y directora de Healing Internationale. Creé esta organización con la inspiración de viajar por el mundo y ver cómo el sufrimiento nos separa de nuestra verdadera esencia de acceder a la abundancia en nuestra vida diaria.  


Me han inspirado las formas en que los humanos que se han enfrentado al trauma han decidido tomar su propio poder. Entreno a mis clientes de una manera que utiliza sus relaciones más íntimas con los demás y con ellos mismos. Durante mi formación clínica como Sexóloga y Terapeuta de Parejas, descubrí que la justicia sexual y reproductiva bien hecha requiere que veamos qué sucede antes de que un cliente programe una cita, desde dónde ha viajado y qué lo mantiene presente.  


La organización comunitaria es fundamental para la forma en que imaginé a este equipo. Nuestros co-creadores son profesionales dinámicos de todo el mundo y completamente bilingües en su curación y su trabajo. Nuestros métodos son creados por profesionales de la salud, el bienestar y el fitness que actualmente trabajan en educación para la salud y salud reproductiva.


En Healing Internationale, nuestros programas y profesionales desarrollan constantemente modalidades que ayudan a los clientes a verse a sí mismos como dignos de atención y la intimidad puede transformar radicalmente el mundo.  




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Conozca a nuestro equipo

Nuestro equipo proviene de todo el mundo, habla varios idiomas. Cada uno de ellos trae diferentes modalidades de sanación y educación a nuestra comunidad. 

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Ondina Sosa

Yoga y curación del útero

Erica provides cultural & spiritual education and support on birth, postpartum + fertility/menstruation and reproductive health as a whole. She is a body literacy educator, folk herbalist and full spectrum doula on the path of becoming a home birth midwife. Her many skills and expertise reflect her midwifery philosophy that is rooted in the traditional ways of her African and Taino ancestors. Traditionally midwives not only caught babies but were the community healers; They were herbalists, body workers, spiritualists and much more. Erica shares her knowledge and supports her community by offering her services on a sliding scale exclusively to BIPOC. Erica’s work is representative of her efforts to work towards the abolition of colonialism, decolonization and gaining collective sovereignty



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Marta Galobardes


Natalie Peña (they/she) is a full-spectrum doula, sex therapist, intimacy consultant, and couples therapist. She has had the honor of supporting homebirth, birth center birth, and hospital birth. She has been a Certified Lactation Consultant since 2017 and trained to be a doula. Natalie has attended births since 2015 and has worked in reproductive since 2012. They have always loved to be a witness to the transformation of people into parenthood. Natalie is the founder of Healing Internationale where she spends most of their time working on reproductive justice, and health-based advocacy, as well as training providers and community members. Natalie is passionate about supporting families’ transformation and transition during the perinatal period, especially with those building a new legacy as immigrants.  From prenatal care to doula work, to couples therapy, they have a deep need to create education for sexuality through the lifespan and create spaces for intergenerational health and holistic healing. Their practice focuses on holistic perinatal care, community health education, and lactation consultancy. 


Zoe Khan

Bienestar y meditación

Alondra is the prenatal coordinator of the Healing Internationale team. She is a sociologist, and full-spectrum doula. Her research focuses on the birthing process and experience in El Salvador, one of her ancestral homes, the other one being the Dominican Republic. She has an interest in holistic medicine and approaches to healing that considers mind, body, spirit, and emotions as a whole. Alondra has a  passion for supporting clients and their families through birth and postpartum. 

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Ari Munne

Experto en fertilidad

Ari es Enfermera y Terapeuta Sexual de Barcelona. Tiene más de 10 años de experiencia profesional en los hospitales más importantes de Cataluña. Ha cursado con éxito 3 maestrías en emergencias, reproducción asistida y sexología y terapia de pareja.  

Su pasión es difundir el conocimiento adecuado porque eso capacita a las personas para que tomen buenas decisiones de salud y bienestar.

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Natalie Peña

Fundador, Terapeuta

Natalie es sexóloga clínica, terapeuta de parejas, entrenadora maestra, consultora de justicia reproductiva y doula de espectro completo. Le apasiona reunir a diferentes profesionales en la práctica interdisciplinaria de la atención integral al paciente. Natalie es la fundadora y directora de Healing Internationale. Ella tiene una profunda necesidad de crear educación para la sexualidad a lo largo de la vida y crear espacios para la salud y la curación intergeneracional.

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Natalie Friedman

Entrenador físico

Natalie Friedman es una entrenadora holística de salud y acondicionamiento físico. Su pasión es ayudar a las mujeres a sentirse seguras y saludables en sus cuerpos, mientras hacen entrenamientos que disfrutan y comen los alimentos que aman. Ella busca empoderar a las mujeres para que hagan del fitness parte de sus vidas, no de sus vidas todo sobre fitness. Natalie es una entrenadora bilingüe y le encanta motivar a sus clientes con su spanglish y su personalidad alegre. Ha sido entrenadora durante siete años y ha ayudado a cientos de mujeres. transforma su mente y cuerpo para verse y sentirse bien.


¡Gracias por enviarnos!

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